Anticellulite Detox Bath Soak

This is one of my all time favorite baths. I go into the bath usually feeling blah and gross and leave it feeling light as air and ready for bed! You will sweat from the combination of herbs & essential oils, and that's part of the point. Don't fight it. Just arm yourself with a cool washcloth for your face and a nice big glass of water to flush those toxins out. You can find all of the supplies you need at our friends at Mountain Rose Herbs. Just click on the banner above.
- 1 gallon purified water
- 1 cup dried ginger root chopped
- 1/2 cup juniper berries whole
- 1/2 cup burdock root chopped
- 1 cup Epsom salt
- 10 drops geranium essential oil
- 5 drops grapefruit essential oil
- 5 drops juniper essential oil
- 5 drops cypress essential oil
Place the herbs in a large bowl. Bring water to boil and pour water over herbs. Cover and steep for 3 to 4 hours. Strain the herbs while squeezing the herbs to get as much of the infusion as possible. Set the infusion aside and throw the herbs away. It will look like a dark tea.
Dry brush your skin to remove dead skin cells and prepare the body to absorb more of the infusion and essential oils.
Run your bath and add the 1 cup of Epsom salts and your herbal infusion. Add the essential oils, swishing the water with your hands. It's very important the essential oils are dispersed through out the water to prevent too much contact with oils that could burn skin.
While soaking for 20-30 minutes, be sure to drink lots of water with fresh lemon squeezed into it. It's important to sweat during this bath to flush toxins from the body.
Do not rinse off the detoxifying elements when you get out of the tub. They will continue to detoxify your cells throughout the day. Dry off with a fluffy towel.