Product Profile: Coffee Salt Scrub

Product Profile:  Coffee Salt Scrub
As of this post, we have 6 different scrubs.  And when I say different, I mean, they are all different from one another.  They all offer their own benefits and our Coffee Scrub offers unique benefits that some of the others don’t.

First of all, it’s made of coffee!  I mean, does it get much better than that? So what’s the big deal with coffee?  Glad you asked:

  • Coffee has EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate).  Catechins are antioxidants that fight free radical damage and may even prevent cell damage.
  • Caffeine.  The number one drug in America.  Well here’s another reason to indulge.  Caffeine helps to plump up the skin.  For years models have rubbed ground coffee over cellulite-prone areas just prior to photo shoots for the smoothest appearance of those areas.  And I for one am thrilled to hear that even models have to fight what the rest of us do.
  • Soft skin.  The combination of coffee, turbinado sugar and sea salt all make wonderful little scrubbing buffers that help to get rid of  dead, dried skin and reveal softer, fresher skin underneath.  Plus, the avocado oil in this scrub is full of essential fatty acids that keep skin moisturized and healthy.
  • Scent.  This scrub smells A-MAZ-ING! A rich combination of espresso, rich cocoa & vanilla.  Yum!

The post Product Profile: Coffee Salt Scrub appeared first on Rafa Natural Blog.